
The below sections give example queries for the Distribution API.


Get Access Token

curl --location --request POST "" -u "AE84D509BF3A4847809A27F8D97FE54E:Playground_Secret" --form "grant_type=client_credentials"
Use the generated access-token by the above command. The access-token shall be valid for 1hr and can be reused for all other requests.

Specific units

Retrieves the fund unit identified by the given SEDOL code.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" "" 
Retrieves the fund unit identified by the given ISIN code.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" "" 


Data Api provides ability to filter fund units using filter criterias. Below are supported operations and operators for filters.
Supported operations:

  • eq: Filter records on a field with field value equal to input
  • gt: Filter records on a field with field value greater than input
  • ge: Filter records on a field with field value greater than or equal to input
  • lt: Filter records on a field with field value less than input
  • le: Filter records on a field with field value less than or equal to input
Supported operators with examples:
  • AND: ?$filter=StaticData/Risks/ChargesToCapital eq false AND StaticData/Charges/Initial gt 2
  • OR: ?$filter=StaticData/Risks/ChargesToCapital eq false OR StaticData/Risks/ChargesToCapital eq null
  • Combination of AND and OR: ?$filter=StaticData/Charges/OcfCalculated gt 1.5245 AND (StaticData/Charges/AmcPercentage lt 1.5 OR StaticData/Charges/Initial lt 2.3)

Limitations: Combination of AND OR is not fully supported

.../Securities?$filter=StaticData/Risks/ChargesToCapital eq false
Returns fund units that don't have the ChargesToCapital risk factor.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" "" 
.../Securities?$filter=StaticData/Essentials/IaSector eq 'Asia Pacific Excluding Japan'
Returns fund units in the Asia Pacific Excluding Japan sector.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" "'Asia%20Pacific%20Excluding%20Japan'" 
.../Securities?$filter=StaticData/Charges/Initial lt 5 and StaticData/LaunchDetails/UnitLaunchCurrencyCode eq 'GBP'
Returns fund units that price in GBP and whose initial charge is less than five. OData also offers other numerical operators such as gt and eq.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" "'GBP'" 
.../Securities?$filter=StaticData/Risks/ChargesToCapital eq false OR StaticData/Risks/ChargesToCapital eq null
Returns fund units that don't have the ChargesToCapital risk factor or ChargesToCapital risk is not present at all.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" "" 
.../Securities?$filter=StaticData/Charges/OcfCalculated gt 1.5245 AND (StaticData/Charges/AmcPercentage lt 1.5 OR StaticData/Charges/Initial lt 2.3)
Returns fund units that has OcfCalculated greater than 1.5245 and either AmcPercentage is less than 1.5 or Initial charges are less than 2.3
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" "" 


By default, the API will return at most ten results per request. This default can be overridden to control paging within your application.

Will skip the first 20 fund units and return the next 20 results. If <code>$count=true</code> is supplied, the response body also has an <code>@odata.count</code> field specifying how many results are in the full set.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" "" 
.../Securities?$filter=StaticData/Risks/ChargesToCapital eq false&$skip=2&$top=2
Filters all fund units to those without the ChargesToCapital risk, and then skips the first 2 results and selects the next 2 results.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" "" 


.../Securities?$search=Australian dollar
Performs a wide-scope search, across all available parameters, and returns any fund units that contain the phrase 'Australian Dollar' anywhere in their data.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" "" 

Custom FL functions

Will return a set of fund units relating to the sedols provided in the comma separated function parameter.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" "'B76N7B1','3049163','B79HRR6','0746003','B71DHL6'%5D)" 


Will return a set of fund units with MiFid EMT data relating to the sedols provided in the query parameter.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" -H "X-FL-EMT-Version : 4.2" "" 


Will return a set of ESG EET data relating to the accurate date, page number and page size provided in the query parameters.
All parameters are optional.
Parameter details:
  • accurateDate: Input should be in date format (YYYY-MM-DD), e.g. 2022-05-30. If not provided, current date will be picked.
  • pageSize: Number of records to be returned in the result set. If not provided, pageSize will default to the value configured in API.
  • pageNumber: The current page number for the result set
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" -H "X-FL-EET-Version : 1.1.2" "" 


Will return a set of fund units with Priips data relating to the sedols or isins provided in the query parameter.
Parameter details:
  • accurateDate: Input should be in date format (YYYY-MM-DD), e.g. 2022-05-30. AccurateDate only applies to the Performance Scenario data.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" -H "X-FL-EMT-Version : 3.0" "" 
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" -H "X-FL-EMT-Version : 3.0" "" 